Indian diet for gout
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Having a high level of uric acid? Stop taking dal, milk, egg, red meat, ladies’ finger, alcohol, white rice, etc. Sounds familiar?

But the question is what do we eat then? What are the regular foods available in India can be safe in the condition like high uric acid? See, it’s easy to say a  NO to food but finding five other safe alternatives is always a challenge.

This blog is all about guiding you to get enough alternatives to make your daily Indian diet nutritious and balanced for people having high uric acid.

Indian diet guide for patients with high uric acid

Indian diet guide for uric acid patient- eat whole grain
  • Is there any family history of high uric acid?
  • Are you eating too much of seafood, red meat, organ meat etc?
  • Are you drinking too much of alcohol these days?
  • Are you taking any diuretic drug – the drug which makes you urinate more to relieve water retention?
  • Are you having hypothyroidism/ psoriasis or obesity?
  • Are you having any kidney related problem?

If you are nodding for any of the above conditions, that might be the reason for your high uric acid problem. 

However, whatever be the reason dietary modification is a must along with few lifestyle changes. Otherwise more joint pain, lathery, and progression towards gout, kidney stone, etc is most likely to happen in near future.

Uric acid is a metabolic waste in our body produced from foods containing purine.  The uric acid level gets high mostly when the kidney fails to eliminate the uric acid from your body. 

Diet goal for high uric acid patients

The normal range for uric acid in blood –

  • Adult male – 4.0- 8.5 mg/dl or , 0.24 – 0.51 mmol/L
  • Adult female –  2.7 – 7.3 mg/ dl or, 0.16 – 0.43 mmol/L

To improve the situation, your diet goal should be –

  • Limit the purine intake – Replace high purine containing foods with low purine containing ones. 
  • Try to achieve normal body weight
  • Try to balance your insulin level
  • Keep the body clean  – drink more fluid and consume more alkaline food

The essential nutrients of the diet –

Indian diet guide for uric acid patient- eat single polished steam rice


In Indian diet, carbohydrate is the main source of energy. Therefore no matter how overweight you are, you can’t ignore carbohydrates.  60% of your diet calorie must come from it. However, you can choose the correct form of carbohydrate to control the uric acid as well as to prevent any insulin spike.

Studies show that insulin resistance ( i.e sugar staying in the blood instead of getting into cells) plays a role to develop high uric acid and gout which again makes the insulin resistance worst.

Say NO to refined flour

Even though refined flour has low purine content, it shoots insulin levels like crazy. Therefore, if you are eager to see a difference, stop consuming foods that contain refined flour like biscuits, bread, and other bakery products, instant noodles/ pasta, etc for better insulin response.  Get ready to say bye to all yummy, easy to eat, ultra-processed packaged foods and try to incorporate whole grains.

Do I switch to brown rice?

Not exactly, rather try to bring a balance here.  

Digesting brown rice on a regular basis is not easy.  Especially, if you suffering from acidity, indigestion, IBS, etc. Try to take single polished steam rice instead of brown rice. This kind of rice is a perfect balance of fiber, nutrition, and taste which also helps to keep the insulin in check.

If you are a white rice fan, have it occasionally controlling the portion size.

Feel free to add rice products like – murmura (puffed rice), chirwa (flaked rice), khoi (popped rice) as healthy breakfast/ snack option.

How about roti/brown bread/ multigrain bread?  

If you are not gluten sensitive, include whole wheat flour in your regular diet. That means you can still enjoy chapatti/ roti/ phulka/ paratha mindfully.

However having brown bread replacing white bread is not a smart choice.

Why? Just read the ingredient list of the popular brown bread / whole wheat bread in India is generally refined flour mixed with a small percentage of whole wheat flour or multigrain flour.

Wheat products like – suji (semolina), dalia (broken rice), noodles/ pasta (made with semolina/whole wheat), etc are also fine for occasional breakfast/evening snack.  

How about millet?

Millets-  jawar, bajra, ragi, buckwheat –  are good combinations of starch and fiber. Therefore having millet roti/ porridge/ khichri etc in high uric acid found to be a safe option.

Is oats safe in high uric acid?

Indian diet guide for uric acid patient- control oats intake

Oat contain 50 -150 mg of purine per 100 g. Therefore it is better to control the consumption of oats. Having oats twice a week is safe.

Is sugar okay?

Sugar is the simplest form of carbohydrate.  Sugar is not only low in purine content but low in nutrients. So, being an empty calorie sugar especially refined sugar containing foods are to be avoided.

Most of the ultra-processed and packaged ready to eat/ drink foods are loaded with sugar. There are approximately  59  different names of sugar that are also added to these foods. Fructose is one such form of sugar.

When the body breaks down fructose, it forms purines, which in turn produce uric acid. Therefore foods containing fructose, high fructose corn syrup like packaged juice, carbonated drinks even natural fruit juice, etc must be avoided at all cost.

Remember –

Too much whole grain in the diet is also not beneficial. No matter how healthy is the cereal, moderation, and variety are the key. Always combine your cereal with vegetables to increase fiber. This will give you a more balanced insulin response and will also help to lose weight.


A high protein diet also means a high purine diet. However, a high protein diet generally has a uricosuric effect  (i.e uric acid excreted through urine and maintains the blood uric acid level).  But, for managing high uric acid, you must be careful with your protein consumption.

It has been often found to reduce purine load in diet, people start avoiding all the protein sources and develop protein deficiency.

Are meat/ fish/ egg safe?

Indian diet guide for uric acid patient- limit red meat intake

Animal organs like the liver, kidney, brain, spleen, etc contain an extremely high amount of purine and the purine content in seafood and fish goes very high because of the drying process.  It’s better to avoid organ meat and dried or canned seafood & fish completely.

Otherwise, the flesh of fish/chicken/ red meat and the fish roe is moderately high to moderate in purine. Therefore controlled consumption is always suggested. 

From this aspect egg has been found to be very safe. It is naturally low in purine content.

What about having dal in high uric acid condition?

Lentils, dried beans, soybeans, etc contain a moderate amount of purine, so instead of saying no, controlled portion size is best to follow.

If you are a vegetarian, include a small bowl of dal or sprouts, or soybean in your daily diet. It can be mong (green gram), masoor(lentil), tuver  (red gram), rajmah, moth anything.

Actually, it’s all about the purine load as a whole. So you need to choose your food smartly. Keep only one moderately high purine content food at a time. Don’t just look at the purine content of the foods, consider the other nutrients too.

For example, beer and green peas both have moderately high purine content. Which one will you pick for better nutrition?

But yes, the quantity and frequency should be in control.

Can one have milk and milk products?

Low-fat milk and milk products are safe for patients with high uric acid. Low fat dairy products found to be beneficial to reduce uric acid levels.

Therefore, consumption of skimmed milk, curd, buttermilk, homemade paneer, etc is fine in this condition.

So what’s the final verdict on daily protein intake?

Indian diet guide for uric acid patient- low fat milk is safe

Please note, the Indian diet is generally cereal-based which is absolutely aligns with our climate. Even if you are a non-vegetarian, fish/ meat/ chicken is just a part of your diet (along with dal and sabzi) not the entire meal. So relax.

Don’t just get panicked and stop consuming animal protein or dal or milk and milk products.

Remember these are the natural source of good quality protein. No matter what, protein is an essential constituent in your body. So you can’t really afford to be protein deficient.

Act smart. If you are not lactose intolerant or struggle with milk allergy, keep low-fat milk and milk products on the daily diet. If you consume an egg, keep one for every day. 

Add a bowl of dal to your vegetarian diet on a daily basis. If you are a non-vegetarian pick either1 katori of dal or 1 medium piece of fish or 2-3 pieces of chicken in the diet.  If you want, feel free to indulge in a dip like hummus a few times a month.  You can still consume besan chilla/ sattu water/ pakori etc.  Just remember anyone for a day.

Possible plan  for your protein distribution –

Meal  Possible protein source Purine Load
Breakfast Egg / Milk   Low
Lunch Dal/ fish/ Chicken   Moderate
Dinner Milk or milk products Low


For controlling high uric acid, saturated fat consumption should be in control. Therefore red meat, milk fat, etc are to be avoided.  Red meat anyway comes under the yellow category which is to be taken in limit. So don’t stress.

It’s good to go for a low-fat variety of milk and milk products. Subscribe for low-fat milk and make the milk products like curd, paneer, buttermilk, etc at home. Avoid purchasing the packaged curd/ buttermilk or paneer to reduce the load of preservatives and other additives.

Which cooking oil will be safe?

Indian diet guide for uric acid patient- coldpress coconut oil is a good choice

Use unrefined cooking oil for daily use. You can go for kachhi ghani mustard oil or double-filtered groundnut oil or sesame oil, cold-pressed coconut oil as your tradition and choice. Do not make the mistake of using olive oil for Indian cooking.

Avoid refined oil at all costs, even if it’s refined olive oil. A teaspoon of ghee or butter is fine as long as you are using it only once a day.

Are nuts and seeds fine?

Add nuts and seeds for the supply of good fat – omega 3 fatty acids. Include walnut, almond, flaxseed, peanut  -kind of nuts and seed mixture in daily diet. But don’t exceed the quantity from more than a fist. Roasted or soaked nuts and seeds are great snack choice for overall betterment of health.

How about peanut/ peanut butter?

As mentioned before, peanut comes under low purine containing food. Taking a handful of roasted peanuts is perfectly fine. If you are a peanut butter fan, you may take a tablespoon of homemade peanut butter too.

Vitamins and Minerals –

Just like a normal human, patients with high uric acid do need a constant supply of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants as per regular dietary allowance.

Vitamin C is essential –

Indian diet guide for uric acid patient- vit c is a must

However, vitamin C plays an important role in this condition. Supplementation of vitamin C found to be helpful to reduce serum uric acid levels. Therefore, add 1-2 citrus fruit – lime, lemon, orange, mosambi, alma, guava, tomato, etc – to your daily diet. Start your day with a glass of freshly squeezed lemon water and later add another vitamin C-rich fruit to the diet. However, don’t try to drink fruit juice (freshly prepared or packaged) because of it’s fructose load.  Whole fruit is the best choice for high uric acid conditions.

What about choosing vegetables?

Add green leafy vegetables, roots and tubers, and other vegetables in the daily diet for essential micronutrient supply. Consume various types of gourd, cucumber, squash, beetroot, carrot, potato, radish, pumpkin, kohlrabi, ladies finger, etc regularly.

Spinach,  asparagus, cauliflower, dry peas, broccoli, etc are comparatively little higher in purine content compared to other fruits and vegetables. However, purine-rich vegetables are not associated with the risk of gout. So feel free to consume loads of fresh vegetables and fruits on regular basis.

Yeast and mushroom comes under high to moderately high purine content foods. It’s better to keep these intake under control.

Are fruits safe if not fructose?

Yes, fruits are the source of many vitamins, minerals, and of course fructose(fruit sugar). As mentioned earlier that fructose enhances uric acid level, which might make you think then fruit consumption might not be safe.

Always check the fructose source is giving you only fructose or many other nutrients. We must understand the nutritional benefit a food is bringing in the diet. Carbonated drinks, packaged fruit juice contain fructose with no other nutrients thus they have a much worst effect on our body. Whereas whole fruits even after containing fructose come with a lot of other micronutrients, soluble and insoluble fiber which has multiple health benefits as well.  Therefore never say never to whole fruits and vegetables.

Water and other fluid –

Indian diet guide for uric acid patient- say no to beer

If you are struggling to fix high uric acid level, water is your best friend. Drink plenty of water to help the body to flush out the waste.

Limit alcohol intake. It makes your body more and more dehydrated and increases the uric acid level. Stop having beer completely.

A study found intake of coffee is helpful to reduce the uric acid level.

As mentioned earlier, consuming fruit juice neither the commercial packaged one nor the homemade one is not a good idea for high uric acid patients. Rather try having whole fruits.

List of Indian food choices for patients with high uric acid –

Category Say NO Keep a check Say YES
Cereal and products Refined flour Oats Single polished rice, wheat flour, millets, corn
Pulse and products Fermented soy product Any dal, sprouts, besan, sattu , soybean  
Vegetables   Asparagas, Spinach, Cauliflour, Mashroom, Broccoli Potato, carrot, gourd, pumpkin, ladies finger, tomato,
Fruits Packaged fruit juice, Fresh fruit juice   Whole fruit, seasonal fruit, citrus fruit, cherry
Nuts & Seeds   Sunflower seed Peanut, walnut, almond, flaxseed
Milk and milk products Full fat milk   Low fat milk, low fat curd/ buttermilk/ paneer
Non vegetarian foods Animal organ, seaweed,  dry fish, canned fish, seasfood Fish, chicken, red meat, fish roe Egg
Sugar and products Refined sugar Sugar, jaggery, honey  
Fats and oil Refined oil, animal fat, milk fat Kachhi ghani oil, double filtered oil, ghee, homemade butter

Quick tips

Indian diet guide for uric acid patient- eat wholesome food
  • Keep an eye on your body weight. Don’t look for overnight fast weight loss. It will create more mess. Rather try for gradual health gain.
  • Plan your diet to balance the insulin response. Insulin spike increase uric acid level. Insulin stimulate the re-absorption of uric acid in our body.
  • Chose whole grains over the refined cereal products
  • For vegetarians, control pulse intake but don’t stop it completely. Consume a small bowl of any type of dal once a day.
  • Egg and low fat milk and milk products are your friends. Keep them in daily diet.
  • For non vegetarian, keep any one source of animal protein in diet and control the portion size. Try to avoid non vegetable foods at least 1-2 days a week if possible.
  • Don’t forget good fat like nuts and seeds in diet.
  • Try to keep inflammation in control therefore anti-inflammatory foods, alkaline foods are to be included.
  • Add vitamin C rich fruits in your list along with some other seasonal fruit.
  • Keep variety choosing pulse, vegetables, fruits and even for cereals.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Try to manage stress better. Stress has direct relation with uric acid.
  • Engage doing some form of exercise everyday what makes you happy.
  • Try to catch deep good sleep

Bottom line

Gone are days when the entire nutrition conversation was around calorie intake. Focus on the nutrients now.  Select foods based on their nutrient contribution. A high protein diet means a high purine diet but creating a deficiency in protein in order to avoid protein is not something desirable. Control and avoid consuming high purine containing foods. Try to keep a balance on purine load for every meal.  Include loads of fruits, vegetables, whole grain, nuts and seeds, and at least one protein-rich food in every meal to keep the balance intact. Plan smart, adopt, and relax. You will be fine.  

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Dr. Soma Chakrabarty is based in Hyderabad. She has 15 yrs of working experience in nutrition. She guides people to modify eating behavior and achieve goals for wellness. She believes in a practical diet that helps people to live rather than survive.

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  • Bhupender , 3rd August 2021 @ 10:12 am

    Nice article to help uric acid patients.Hope you continue in future

    • Dr. Soma Chakrabarty , 3rd August 2021 @ 10:16 am

      Thank you, wait for many more to come.

      • Bhaskar Bose , 7th September 2021 @ 5:34 am

        Thanks for the article. My mom could use your advice but all the information is confusing. Is there a way to contact you.

      • Dr. Soma Chakrabarty , 7th September 2021 @ 7:12 pm

        Visit our homepage and connect in whats app or email. Thanks.

      • Kumar , 2nd December 2022 @ 2:05 pm

        Well explained!

      • Dr. Soma Chakrabarty , 12th December 2022 @ 1:59 pm

        Thanks, keep reading our articles.

      • Anonymous , 20th June 2023 @ 12:48 pm

        am also facing health issue with uric acid.. i have refer many online food diet nutrition to control and cure but couldn’t find results. Pls help should refer doctor for medicine or can cure by change in food diet/yoga/acupressure.

      • Dr. Soma Chakrabarty , 29th June 2023 @ 12:37 pm

        Kindly contact us in whats app.

  • Kiran Venkatesh , 13th August 2021 @ 3:31 pm

    Nice article, thanks Dr. For your kind advice
    It helps a lot if people who want to control uruc acid levels.

  • UDAY MHATRE , 24th August 2021 @ 4:25 pm

    Very Nice article Doctor many gout patient confused with their diet but you explained. very well .Thanks again

    • Dr. Soma Chakrabarty , 25th August 2021 @ 8:04 am

      Thanks a lot

    • Valli , 16th April 2023 @ 7:43 am

      Very detailed and useful advice for high uric acid issues. Thank you very much.

  • Suhasi , 18th October 2021 @ 7:15 pm

    It is really very helpful article including each and every answer rise in our mind.thank u.Do u have any articles about hypertension and hyperactivity,pls share link

    • Dr. Soma Chakrabarty , 18th October 2021 @ 7:28 pm

      Thanks a lot. Yes we have couple of articles on hypertension and child nutrition. Just search in the website clicking the search button on our home page.

  • Suhasi , 18th October 2021 @ 7:21 pm

    How can I get ur articles pls tell

    • Dr. Soma Chakrabarty , 18th October 2021 @ 7:27 pm

      Type your quaries in google with an extension of wellness munch. You will get the article easily.

  • Suhasi , 18th October 2021 @ 7:29 pm

    How can I get ur articles pls tell

  • Anonymous , 17th January 2022 @ 9:21 pm

    That was awesome thank you!!!!

  • Sahab , 18th May 2022 @ 7:21 pm

    Nice advice please let me know which fish is ok to eat rohu katla talapia and singhi Or magur

  • Ram , 22nd May 2022 @ 12:25 am

    Thank you doctor for clear instructions. Is peanut oil good or bad for Utica acid/ Gout patients?

  • Mohammad Shahabuddin , 22nd May 2022 @ 6:41 pm

    Can I have chana sattu n besan if I have gouts n uric acid

  • Mohammad Imran , 15th July 2022 @ 9:07 am

    It was a great experience to read the article, I am quite confident that it will be a good support those are suffering with Uric acid disorders.
    Thanks and best wishes

  • Ghias , 17th August 2022 @ 10:40 am

    5 nos ladies finger juice in morning , reduce uric acid please advise

  • Amit , 22nd August 2022 @ 9:28 am

    Very nicely explained.

    Can I have Gnc triple strength fish capsules.

  • Srikanth Ragi , 14th September 2022 @ 11:12 pm

    Amazing!I’m afraid this may become y rule Book moving forward. Please do let me know if there is any detailed diet plan for gout I’m interested to follow

    • Dr. Soma Chakrabarty , 20th September 2022 @ 4:38 pm

      Thanks Srikanth. You can join our 3 months diet program. You will get all the details in the service section of our website.

  • Milind , 17th September 2022 @ 5:13 pm

    I’m a vegan. On 22nd August I had severe pain in left big toe joint and same problem in right knee. I felt this when I woke up in the morning. I have been on a juice diet ever since. Also taking papaya apple, amla juice, mosambi juice, daily. Also taking juice of ash gourd. Also spinach juice is made by adding ginger, lemon, mint, coriander leaves and cucumber to it and drinking it. Along with taking homeopathy medicine. Can you suggest something?

  • Uday. , 25th October 2022 @ 9:36 pm

    Very practical/balanced & fair guidance in this article is highly commendable.
    Thanks a lot for the efforts taken to give a such a detailed information on the issue. Hats off to your honest approach madam.

  • Ash , 6th December 2022 @ 8:06 pm

    Thank you for such insight and making it curated for the Indian diet

  • Dr. Rekha Sthapit , 14th February 2023 @ 12:41 pm

    That’s was a very informative article.
    Thank you!

  • hetu , 13th March 2023 @ 6:05 am

    very good explanation and thanks a lot for your efforts.

    I suffer from gout, and couple of things i have learned would like to share as i think it will be very helpful for others.

    The research you refer to and say it is ok to eat certain vegetarian foods is really not correct. Because those research is done in western countries and based on heavy meat eaters. I question that because, if those certain vegetables and pulses were fine to eat why do vegetarians get gout? I am vegetarian btw.

    Once you get gout, i would treat all the pulses, spinach, cauliflower, etc same as meat. I made a mistake of not taking it seriously first time when i had gout flare but now i learned a lesson.

    I am not saying i will never be able to eat pulses again, but i would be very careful now onwards.

  • Dr. S Bag , 14th July 2023 @ 5:18 pm

    A nice article! Many thanks.
    I’m suffering from hyperuricemia. Can I take Amaranth grain regularly?

  • Sreedhar K G , 22nd July 2023 @ 6:56 pm

    Very good detailed information to control uric acid, explained pointwise. Thanks

  • Gaurav Kalra , 11th September 2023 @ 7:58 am

    Hey Doc!!

    It’s the best article out of millions I have read for my Uric Acid problem, got most of the answers for the questions I had. You are the best!!

  • Vinayak , 16th October 2023 @ 12:40 pm

    Very informative article thank you ma’am!!

  • Bijoy Bhowmik , 2nd April 2024 @ 5:49 pm

    Mam, you are a life saver. I have been suffering from uric acid for 12-13 years. My life was like hell due to lack of knowledge how to manage my diet. There are very few helpful articles like this on the internet.
    Thank you mam.

  • Vaishali Shetye , 24th May 2024 @ 1:41 pm

    Thank you for the excellent advice on gout. Can you be kind enough to tell me whether I can include fermented foods like idli, dosa in the diet for those suffering from gout?

    • Dr. Soma Chakrabarty , 26th September 2024 @ 4:44 pm

      Thanks, please read and share our blogs with others. Yes you can use fermented food in moderation.

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